中学英语教师招聘考试试题库 1 There are many arguments fo()是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。任务型教学的主要目的是()。 Most people have no idea of tThe room is in a terrible mess; The source of the River ()is in ()was formed by the trade unionsPeople sing the national anthem Everybody knows he()(受到了冤枉指控).在下列选项中,除了(),其余都属于阅读的学习策略。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的(),促进语言实际运 In every cultivated language, In every cultivated language,She never dreams of ()(被派到国外).在下列选项中,除了(),其余都属于阅读的学习策略。Bernard Shaw began his career as The National Endowment for th The National Endowment for thThe way in which () wrote "The S From childhood to old age, weThey ()the evidence in the past.《标准》提出在义务教育结束时(五级),学生学会()个单词和()个Modern linguistics regards the w外语是基础教育阶段的必修课程,英语是外语课程中的主要语种之一。According to F. de Saussure, ()rAlthough punctual himself, the p"Dr. Faustus" is a play based on Shopping habits in the United以下哪个选项不属于学习策略的范畴?()Mt. Seafell stands in()更多试题请关注下方微信公众号