- 多项选择题 14. DateFormat df; 15. Date date = new Date(); 16. //insert code here 17. String s = df.format( date); Which two,inserted independently at line 16, allow the code to compile?()
A、 df= new DateFormat();
B、 df= Date.getFormatter();
C、 df= date.getFormatter();
D、 df= date.getDateFormatter();
E、df = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
F、 df= DateFormat.getInstance();
- E,F
- 求数列f(n) = n*n+n+41的前
- public class&e
- public class&e
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- String对象中的值是不可变的
- Map系列对象中,哪个对象的内部实现是双
- public class&e
- Which two̳
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- Assume that&ens
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- 1. interface&e
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- Your IT d
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- Which statement
- 已知: 如果程序输出101,则在横线处
- Which is
- Which two̳