试题详情简答题一个路由表,有3条,分别从rip,ospf,eigrp学过来的,到达相同目的,问路由选择哪条走?正确答案:First it select the longest-match prefix, second it will select the entry which is learned from the routing protocol with the lowest AD.答案解析:关注下方微信公众号,在线模考后查看热门试题Which two What tasksQ下列哪些接口可作逻辑通道?()For what two purpose如果C类子网的掩码为255.255.25Which two benefits aIn the C可路由协议的网络地址由哪两部分组成?()Which NetFlow&Which service&Refer to tWhich of Which dedicated VPN 3DES使用的是()For which of the folOSI共有几层?分别是什么?Which statemenWhat are three methoWithin theQGiven a subnet mask