- 单项选择题 Astute service providers realize that the continued support of legacy X.25 and asynchronous network element using separate operations network is cost(16).For example,the maintenance of multiple networks can require additional staff. Often, this staff must be trained on multiple vendor technologies, sometimes requiring parallel groups specializing in each (17) .Hence, additional maintenance procedures must be maintained and administrative records are (18) .The duplication of transport facilities to carry (19)network traffic is an inefficient use of resources. And not surprisingly, more technologies installed in a central office means the necessity for more physical space, and an increase in power connections and power consumption migration of these (20) network elements to IP-based DCns is alogical strategy. 空白处(16)应选择()
- A
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- 根据ISO网络管理标准体系的规定,()是
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- 有关虚电路的说法中,正确的是()。
- X.25协议定义了(5)层结构,它所采用
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- 使用超级终端配置以太网交换机,必须用RS
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- 在多台交换机之间规划 VLAN 流量时,
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- 计算机网络建立的主要目的是实现计算机资源
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- 协议只确定计算机各种规定的()特点,不对
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- 从网络高层协议角度,网络攻击可以分为()
- 资源系统中对管线类资源操作时,首先应启动
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