单项选择题You are running a packet sniffer on a network and see a packet containing a long string of "0x90 0x90 0x90 0x90...." in the middle of it traveling to an x86-based machine as a target. This could be indicative of what activity being attempted? 当你使用数据包嗅探工具查看到一个把X86机器作为目标的的传输数据中包括"0x90 0x90 0x90 0x90...."这样的一个长字符串时,意味着进行以下哪项活动?()

A、A buffer overflow attack.一次缓冲区溢出攻击

B、Over-subscription of the traffic on a backbone.骨干网超载

C、A source quench packet.一个源抑制的报

D、A FIN scan.一次FIN扫描

  • A
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