- 单项选择题首推全速向左!()
A、Bow stern full to port!
B、Bow thrust half to port!
C、Bow thrust full to starboard !
D、Bow thrust full to port!
- D
- 船舶在港口停泊时,禁止在洗衣机内洗涤油污
- The ship’s centerlin
- All the cargo wires
- 稀释剂()
- ensign()
- 工程船舶上普遍采用的锚为:()
- 环形绷带包扎法多用于()
- 舵叶面积全部在舵杆轴线后,并设有许多舵钮
- 保险销()
- 你想把引航员梯装在哪一舷?()
- ()special instructio
- 白天看到他船在主桅上垂直悬挂两个黑球,这
- We need an experienc
- Pass the spring roun
- 右舵十()
- bulkhead()
- 判断走锚的方法有()
- The signals that wil
- Ro/Ro ships have doo
- The sailors at the s