- 单项选择题集装箱是由龙门吊装卸。()
A、Containers are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.
B、Cases are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.
C、Cases are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.
D、Containers are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.
- A
- 为提高油漆施工质量,漆膜应采用多层薄涂的
- He’ll ()for chief of
- 他们应该注意装卸货情况。()
- 喂,你找谁? ()
- 夜间看到信号台垂直显示白、绿、绿三盏环照
- We haven’t got enoug
- You know the most mo
- Turn on the ()at ni
- Ring off engine!()
- 正舵()
- The ship is strandin
- We secure and tighte
- 定温探测器的动作温度一般分为()三种。
- ()(散货) is carried on
- What kind of ()can b
- We’ll put off ()unti
- through bolt ()
- 高空作业人员在系好安全带和保险绳后,可以
- ()用于将小锚的锚缆连接于锚环,也用于将
- ---Finished with en