- 单项选择题 Microsoft's COM is a software(1)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation for higher-level software services, like those provided by OLE. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components,a way for components to dynarmically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and amechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely. OLE is a compound(2)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(3)with one application and link or embed them in a second application.Embedded objects retain their original format and(4)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is builtinto the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems.A(5)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc. 空白(4)处应选择()
- D
- 阅读以下关于电子政务系统安全架构的
- 博学公司是一家电子商务公司,其主要业务是
- 某公司欲开发一个在线交易系统,在架
- 图9-12标明了6个城市(A~F)之间的
- 假定求浮点数平方根(FPSQR)的操作在
- UML提供了5种对系统动态方面建模
- 企业系统规划方法(BSP)是指导公司建立
- 对象管理组织(OMG)基于CORBA基础
- 系统测试由若干个不同的测试类型组成
- 某软件公司承接了为某工作流语言开发解释器
- 软件架构需求是指用户对目标软件系统在功能
- 嵌入式软件体系架构 博学公司承担了一
- 某磁盘盘组共有10个盘面,每个盘面上有1
- 需求分析是一种软件工程活动,它在系统级软
- 雇员类含有计算报酬的行为,利用面向对象的
- 在()中, ①代表的技术通过对网络数据
- 建筑物综合布线系统中的垂直子系统是指()
- 软件架构设计包括提出架构模型、产生架构设
- ()不是项目目标特性。
- 下列关于Windows Server 2