简答题教学设计题: 请设计一个教案,达到以下目的: (1)能听懂、会说、会读单词rabbit,elephant,squirrel… (2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型be+doing。 (3)引导学生在探究过程中不仅获得关于动物的英语表达,而且获得有关动物的知识。 (4)培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的情感。
  • (1)Warm- up: Read and act Book 3,Unit 4.Let's do. Show word cards for animals.
    ①Write"jump, walk, fly" on the black board, rreacher says,"Jump like a rabbit. Walk like an elephant. Fly like a bird."Get students to do actions.
    ②When students are doing actions, the teacher can ask:"What are you doing?" Help students to answer:"I'm jumping liki a rabbit." "I'm walking like an elephant." "I'm flying like a bird."
    (3) Presentation: Let's start. Show the big picture. Ask: What is the...doing? Let's learn.
    ①Show some pictures of animals one by one. Ask: Look at the... What is it doing? Get the students to say: It's, flying! The bird is flying. It's walking. The...is walking. It's jumping. The...is jumping.
    ②Show word cards, and get the students to describe the picture with tlie Present Tense. See who responses quickly. Let's play. Ask a boy and a girl come to the front. The boy acts like an animal and gets the other classmates to guess,e.g."It's a rabbit."Then the girl does an action and gets the other classmates to say a sen tence: "The rabbit is jumping." ( pig-walk, squirrel-jump, duck-swim, dog-eat) Let's chant. Listen, read and act the chant.
    (4)Consolidation and extension:
    ①Learn the four-skilled words by heart.
    ②Task time.
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