- 单项选择题甲板分为艏楼甲板,主甲板和艉楼甲板。()
A、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and poop deck.
B、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, lower deck and main deck.
C、The deck is divided into forecastle deck, main deck and lower deck.
D、The deck is divided into main deck, lower deck and poop deck.
- A
- 很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起
- 由于锚链舱作业面狭窄,在涂油漆时应考虑好
- In this way, we can
- 形成海流的主要因素是:()
- 离缆绳远点儿。()
- 释放()
- 要使船舶具备一个良好的稳性须满足:()
- The forecastle and t
- I’m a ship chandler.
- 心脏每分钟搏动的次数称为心率。
- 广州港水尺标高为:()
- What do you want?()
- The main body of a v
- split pin()
- The ()part of a vess
- 索栓常用的类型有十字索栓和T字索栓两种
- 吸油毡在吸油状态下能长时间保持原来形状,
- You ()use hooks when
- This mooring line is
- We’ll finish ()cargo