- 简答题What kind of questions should we ask our students when we want to give them a reason to read?
- The questions should have a good general idea of what the text is about, should be concerned with the general meaning or with the most important points of the text, and not focus on minor details, and should be fairly easy to answer and not too long.
- According to the beh
- What kind of words t
- What language skills
- It is accepted by mo
- What is the major di
- How can we describe
- “Knowing English” mu
- Language is capable
- What are the points
- Metaphor is a way of
- A phoneme is the sma
- Of the two types of
- The goal of foreign
- It is important for
- ()refers to varietie
- The back-chaining te
- Silent reading invol
- What is the role of
- A suggestopadia cour
- What is the differen