- 单项选择题We have to wait at the roadstead till().
A、there is a free berth
B、there are officers and the sailors
C、there are motormen and the sailors
D、A、B and C
- A
- 为方便使用,我国规定1海里的长度是:()
- There are some ()(螺帽
- 左满舵()
- 夜间看到信号台垂直显示白、绿、绿三盏环照
- 红药水用于皮肤伤口或皮肤沾膜的消毒,它不
- 工程船舶当能见度不良停工锚泊时,可不必鸣
- After operation, dro
- 船用涂料中的颜料的作用是()
- 内层漆()
- 插接和编结时多余绳头应割去,为避免滑脱所
- harbour master()
- 左锚()
- We won’t load the li
- Pull out the ()(钉子)
- 我想和大副谈谈。()
- Which of the followi
- 我国海区水上航标中,左侧标用于标示航道的
- 驾驶台始终有驾驶员值班。()
- I have some question
- ()(降一点儿)the gangway,