- 单项选择题American schools are divided into()
A、public schools and private ones
B、Public schools,private schools and community schools
C、coeducation schools and single sex schools.
D、national schools and state-run schools
- A
- In 1949()became Cana
- In Ireland()is the c
- Which of the followi
- Wat Tyler was killed
- ()became the first A
- As a result of the F
- In 1905 two more pro
- ()is the flightless
- After the Restoratio
- Tostig,Harolds broth
- Which of the followi
- The population of Ir
- Who was the first En
- Britain once importe
- Who was the first pr
- The 1983 report"A Na
- Why is it that Brita
- Most pregnant workin
- Washington Irving fi
- Up to the end of WW