- 单项选择题At the moment our technology is more advanced than theirs, but they are()fast.
A、 catching up
B、catching on
C、catching at
D、catching out
- A
- Sally's parents()com
- What a fool I have b
- If the phone rings a
- Are you going on hol
- What do you think ab
- The microwave oven i
- I really hope that y
- ()you like some coff
- Excuse me, could you
- — How's the movie? I
- I'd like to know som
- Thank you for your i
- He asked me where()f
- I usually go to the
- How can he()if he is
- What's the weather()
- A:()is the nearest c
- --What about going f
- -- Do you mind if I
- What does your fathe