- 单项选择题立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()
A、Put out the fire right now and cool hold No.2.
B、Put off the fire right now and cool around No.2.
C、Put on the fire right now and cool hold No.2.
D、Put out the fire right away and cool around hold No.2.
- D
- 船舶在安全检查中对锚系统的检查,规定船上
- ORB()
- 调整()
- 成人在平静时的呼吸频率约为每分钟()次
- 集装箱船()
- 下列为特种舵的是()
- 心脏每分钟搏动的次数称为心率。
- The linesmen will us
- 简述EPIRB的使用、检查与养护方法。
- Forecastle deck is l
- Start the boat engin
- 左锚()
- Emergency full ahead
- The captain has gone
- ()are used for lifes
- 值班水手操舵时,对船长/驾驶员或引航员所
- The rusty plates sho
- ---Starboard 10! --
- What kind of ()can b
- () the head line!