- 单项选择题Please fill in this visitor’s ().
A、registry book
B、exercise book
C、seaman’s book
D、record book
- A
- May I have a look ar
- 导轨()
- Don’t shift the guy
- 台风来临之前的征兆有:()
- That sailor wants to
- CO2 extin
- 系码头抗台时应注意哪些?
- Close all fire doors
- —Where is the
- ()连接可靠,解脱迅速常和松紧器配套使用
- The container is loa
- 用手指压颈动脉放可止住同侧()部位的出血
- We should ()the nati
- 请在大台等他。()
- Close the port side
- 工头()
- We can use ()to cut
- overload()
- A life buoy should b
- 钮锁、拉杆、桥锁、桥板是用于绑扎集装箱的