- 判断题消防水带长度不得超过25米,其直径一般为55毫米,65毫米两种。
- 错误
- --- Starboard twent
- 海图()
- The hull and the sup
- Ship chandler, you a
- 引航员()
- Any emergency pump s
- The forecastle and t
- The motor doesn’t wo
- 着火点是能产生燃烧现象所需要的()温度。
- Clamps have been use
- hoist()
- 纤维绳的粗细大小通常以它的周长来表示,单
- Pilot boat is approa
- anchor order()
- 碎布()
- 干粉灭火机适用于扑救()火灾
- It is the job of ()t
- In() ships, the carg
- keep the lines tight
- head line()