- 单项选择题 1. class A { 2. public byte file Number ( ) { 3. return l; 4. } 5. } 6. 7. Class B extends A { 8. public short getNumber( ) { 9. return 2; 10. } 11. 12. public short getNumber( ) { 13. B b = new B( ); 14. System.out.printIn(b.getNumber( )); 15. } 16. } What is the result()?
A、 Compilation succeeds and l is printed.
B、 Compilation succeeds and 2 printed.
C、 An error at line 8 cause compilation to fail.
D、 An error at line 14 cause complication to fail.
E、 Complication succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 14.
- C
- After execution
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- public class&e
- public class&e
- 已知: 要使用类B通过编译,只需要修改
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- 为student类定义构造方法初始化所有
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- public c
- 1. class
- 数据类型包装类与基本数据类型有什么关系?
- 现有: import&en
- 程序: cla
- 以下程序执行的结果是什么?()&ens
- 10. class&ensp
- 已知: 则输出为()
- Which three&ens