- 判断题右搓纤维绳应逆时针方向盘放。
- 错误
- 拖带灯是一盏黄色闪光灯,其结构与尾灯相同
- Slow ahead()
- The ship arrived at
- 通常设有信号灯、探照灯和罗经的甲板为()
- Don’t operate two or
- Adjust the ()(中心稳索),
- The duty sailor on t
- All the ()in hold No
- 锚已离底。()
- 备双锚。()
- 从事尾拖作业的在航机动船拖带长度大于20
- This is deck cargo.
- ()(拉响) the alarm imm
- A life buoy should b
- It is the job of ()t
- 一个太阴日里,仅出现一次高潮和一次低潮的
- security patrol()
- That is the()(易腐蚀的)
- When you keep a gang
- 烧伤深度计算法通常采用()