- 单项选择题The two parts reached no solution on the final item()
A、 which is the Mark 2 project.
B、 which I would like you to have.
C、 that the process can be made simpler.
D、 that values his new ideas.
- A
- We’ll do our()to mak
- A:I can show you ar
- They’re doing some v
- The engineer recomme
- We very much appreci
- nternational Tran
- In order to be emplo
- The board room can()
- We usually make a di
- Could you()the appoi
- Mr. McNeil asked Mr.
- When it hears the tr
- Would you think it o
- Let’s have a run thr
- I am very sorry for
- Please()me how to do
- A:Hello, I'm Su
- The seller was tryin
- I think the discount
- Big Boss deserves th