- 判断题无杆锚和有杆锚通常作商船船首锚。
- 错误
- Stow the derricks ()
- 对心跳、呼吸停止的患者应立即进行()
- 在除油结束后,围油栏应谨慎地回收,拆解和
- lead block()
- 我们的大副现在很忙。()
- 这是我第一次抛锚。()
- Turn on the pilot li
- What’s more, the dis
- When a ship is in po
- 下列那项不属于纤维缆在养护周期内的检查要
- 在载重线标志中,英文字母“F”表示()
- The captain wants to
- It is the job of the
- Stern thrust full to
- crane()
- They are towed into
- The PSC officers wil
- 船舶压载水管系的作用是:()
- 起居甲板()
- Which hold will be t