简答题短文互译:敬启者:你公司4月5日询价函收悉,很高兴你公司对我公司的茶叶感兴趣。现随函寄上茶叶最新目录及价目表各一份。请注意,价目表上所列第1-10项均可供现货。我公司经销的各种品种、牌号的茶叶均为中国名茶,品质上等,远销欧、美、亚、非众多国家和地区。已另邮航寄可供现货的三种名茶样品,这三种茶叶在你地一直颇受欢迎。有关详细介绍,请参阅目录。你方若需了解上述目录及价目表中未涉及的情况,请告。期待接到你公司的定单。此致A B C Trading Company Shanghai Tea I/E Corp.经理 王大
  • Dear Sirs,
    we have received your inquiry of April 5th and are glad that your company is interested in our tea. We are sending you herewith a copy of our latest catalogue and price list. Please note that item 1-10 listed on the price list is available from stock. Our company sells all kinds of varieties and grades of tea, which are all famous Chinese teas, and are of high quality and are exported to Europe, America, Asia, Africa and other countries and regions. Three samples of famous teas have been sent by airmail to you. These three kinds of tea have always been very popular with you. For more details, see the catalog. If you want to know more about the above catalogue and price list, please let us know. Looking forward to receiving your order. A, B C Trading Company Shanghai Tea I/E Corp.
    Manager Wang
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