- 单项选择题舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()
A、A life craft should be located on the gangway.
B、A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.
C、A life-raft should be located on the gangway.
D、A life boat should be located on the gangway.
- B
- The bosun is good at
- 下列那种不属于号型()。
- pilot ladder()
- 各类型挖泥船中,抗风能力最强的是:()
- 绞吸船在()土质施工时,换边及横移速度可
- 油漆施工最好在烈日和高温下进行。
- The safe working loa
- ()(降)the flag.
- For the duties assig
- 锚链连接卸扣的横销为:()
- Each ()consists of t
- 观测船舶吃水时,根据实际水线在数字中的位
- 木屑和草袋属于天然有机吸油材料,能够成功
- Decks, superstructur
- Sailors have to spen
- 绞()
- Topside paint and ()
- 在各种情况下的白棕绳、尼龙绳、钢丝绳、链
- 26面字母旗中有2面是燕尾旗,其代表的字
- - May I borrow you