- 单项选择题安全带()
A、safety belt/harness
B、safety cap
C、safety cloches
D、safety measure
- A
- 三副()
- She is a Chinese oce
- Lower the ladder two
- Lifeboat launching i
- can hook()
- 人自左舷落水的应变信号表示方法是()。
- At the discharging p
- 危险的()
- 差温探测器是温升速率低于一个事先制定的数
- Stand by ()anchor!
- 水尺采用米制时,用阿拉伯数字标绘每个数字
- Release the ()(制动器)w
- 腋窝及肩部动脉出血者,应用指压迫的止血点
- 缆车若装有减速齿轮和刹车,则其具备一定的
- 在对溺水者实施人工呼吸救助方法时,可以间
- --- Port five! ----
- My ETA ()pilot is 22
- Their task is to()(驾
- Which of the followi
- We will let go both