- 单项选择题 With hundreds of millions of electronic (11)taking place daily, businesses and organizations have a strong incentive to protect the. (12) of the data exchanged in this manner, and to positively ensure the (13) of those involved in the transactions. This has led to an industry-wide quest for better, more secure methods for controlling IT operations,and for deploying strong security mechanisms deeply and broadly throughout networked infrastructures and client devices. One of the more successful concepts to engage the imaginations of the security community has been the development of standards-based security(14) that can be incorporated in the hardware design of client computers. The principle of encapsulating core security capabilities in (15) and integrating security provisions at the deepest levels of the machine operation has significant benefits for both users and those responsible for securing IT operations. 空白处(11)应选择()
- B
- IEEE 802.11i标准增
- Microsoft SNMP管理API使
- 为什么需要B-ISDN网络?
- 下面哪两台主机位于同一个网络之中?()
- 在TCP标准中,重发时间一般取为平均往返
- 对于子网掩码为255.255.252.0
- 在SMI的关键字中,用于管理对象语法定义
- 交换机是用来连异种网络的网络设备。
- 广域网的英文缩写为()
- ADSL是一种宽带接入技术,这种技术使用
- 浏览器与web服务器之间使用的协议是()
- TCP协议能够提供()的、面向连接的、全
- 冗余网络设计可包括:()。
- 有4个B类网络地址:130.57.16.
- 多模光纤特性:()。
- 下列情况中()破坏了数据的完整性。
- 目前利用数字通信信道可以直接传输数字信号
- 目前在局域网中,除通信线路外最主要、最基
- HTML是指()。
- RGNOS目前支持哪些访问列表?()