- 单项选择题Do you have any fresh fish today?()
A、No, I still have a few.
B、No, I still have a little.
C、Yes, I have some.
D、Yes, I have many.
- C
- Good morning, John .
- A police officer cla
- A: Are you free on M
- The heavy rain()the
- There are many()in C
- What kind of TV prog
- It's not safe()in th
- How long have you wo
- I’ve come to ask him
- Will you please give
- I look forward to()f
- Sorry. I have taken
- ()name is Wanghua.
- The manager of our c
- Please stop().It can
- ()she goes to a bar
- One day while Mr. Ki
- The computer system(
- ---Which do you like
- ()fashion differs fr