- 多项选择题你在局域网中设置某台机器的IP,该局域网的所有机器都属于同一个网段,你想让该机器和其它机器通信,你至少应该设置哪些TCP/IP参数()
A、 IP地址
B、 子网掩码
C、 默认网关
D、 首选DNS服务器
- A,B
- Refer to
- 哪种说法描述了由DHCP服务器动态分配I
- You have
- In the e
- You are a technician
- Refer to t
- Which two subnetwork
- A standard three-yea
- Which statemen
- A network design sho
- Conducting a
- WhenupgradingtheIOSi
- 网络管理员已被要求说明理由从IPv4向I
- 下列选项中不能进行拆分对象操作的是()&
- Which of
- UPSR protection swit
- Compare the features
- Which characteristic
- Refer to t
- What type̳