- 单项选择题Do you like country music?()
A、Yes, I like basketball a lot
B、It's far too crowded
C、Yes, I'm crazy about it
D、Oh, it's funny
- C
- She walked slowly aw
- You() buy some refer
- He()lunch in the can
- If you don't promise
- As we were driving a
- Many teenagers feel
- It()hard, and I can'
- It has been ten year
- Maria often has a wa
- Thank you ever so mu
- A: Can I use the pho
- He has()four success
- It()be better to arr
- — Are you getting a
- Bread()wheat
- The man()the gate wh
- Excuse me for breaki
- John never comes to
- Mary doesn't like go
- I earn dollars()hou