- 单项选择题Rubbish can be thrown into the water ().
A、in a harbour
B、in any place
C、25 miles off the land
D、10 miles off the land
- C
- ()is best for electr
- 静电火花虽然比较普遍,但它并不属于着火源
- These tanks are call
- ()fore and aft.
- Please swing the der
- Take in the slack on
- ()(电罗经)can tell us t
- Port a little! ()
- Spread a () net unde
- If we have a pilot o
- I would like to talk
- ()are for radiators
- Is this a()(冷藏船) ?
- 驾驶台是船舶的眼睛和耳朵。()
- at intervals of…()
- A ship is made fast
- 灯塔()
- 罗经甲板又称顶甲板,上面设有信号灯架,探
- 拖带灯是一盏黄色闪光灯,其结构与尾灯相同
- The ()(重吊杆) can lift