- 单项选择题Send out your ()(拖缆).
A、towing line
B、heading line
C、towed line
D、heaving line
- A
- Chemicals are carrie
- 我国第二部为了保护海洋环境资源,防止污染
- The sailor should ()
- gangway()
- Is this a/an ()(防波堤)
- After operation, we
- 压舵!()
- The SWL of the derri
- 广州港水尺标高为:()
- How many ()are ready
- After seeing that th
- 船舶在港内进行救生消防演习前,必须向海事
- Pay attention to the
- 通常用链节作为锚链长度的基本单位。
- 使用和保管钢丝绳时,下列那项叙述不正确(
- 在锚设备组成中,设置在锚链管和锚链筒之间
- 船体水线上下涂刷不同颜色的油漆,主要目的
- - What kind of pain
- On which side shall
- 气胀式救生衣()