- 单项选择题 You are building your own layout mechanism by including dynamic content for the page’s header and footersections. The footer is always static, but the header generates the
tag that requires the page name tobe specified dynamically when the header is imported. Which JSP code snippet performs the import of theheader content?() A、<jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’><jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ /> </jsp:include>
B、<jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’><jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ /> </jsp:import>
C、<jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’><jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ /> . </jsp:include>
D、<jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’>. <jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ /> . </jsp:import>
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