- 单项选择题 You are managing the APPPROD database as a DBA which is not using the Oracle-managed files. You plan to duplicate this database in the same system with the name DUPDB.You want to create the same directory structure for duplicate database files as of the target database. You executed the following RMAN commands: RMAN> CONNECT TARGET sys/sys@APPPROD RMAN> CONNECT AUXILIARY sys/sys@DUPDB RMAN> DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO dupdb FROM ACTIVE DATABASE PASSWORD FILE SPILE NOFILENAMECHECK; What are the implications of this command?()
A、 It creates database files for the duplicate database under the Oracle base with a different directory for the duplicate database.
B、 It overwrites data files of the target database because a different location for data files is not mentioned for the duplicate database.
C、 It creates database files for the duplicate database under the same Oracle home as that of the target database with the same directory structure.
D、 It creates database files for the duplicate database under the same Oracle home as that of the target but with a different directory for the duplicate database.
- B
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