- 单项选择题小心碰头!()
A、Mind your head.
B、Watch your head.
C、Watch your step.
D、Watch your walking.
- A
- The()(千斤索) is a wire
- inspector()
- 拖带灯的颜色为()。
- Close the (), please
- 雾号()
- binoculars()
- deck red paint()
- 干粉灭火机适用于扑救()火灾
- customs officer()
- 一种液体的闪点为30℃,则这种液体为()
- 车钟()
- ()(拉响) the alarm imm
- There is a smell of
- 破断强度是指缆绳断裂时受的最小负荷,以牛
- -May I see your ()?
- The nut is loose. Le
- Emergency full aster
- 一船企图以他船右舷追越,追越船应以号笛发
- 人自左舷落水的应变信号表示方法是()。
- Bring your immersion