单项选择题 The CUSTOMERS table has these columns: CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL STREET_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(150) CITY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) STATE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) PROVINCE_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) COUNTRY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50) POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(12) CUSTOMER_PHONE VARCHAR2(20) A promotional sale is being advertised to the customers in France. Which WHERE clause identifies customers that are located in France?()

A、WHERE lower(country_address) = "france"

B、WHERE lower(country_address) = 'france'

C、WHERE lower(country_address) IS 'france'

D、WHERE lower(country_address) = '%france%'

E、WHERE lower(country_address) LIKE %france%

  • B
  • 关注下方微信公众号,在线模考后查看
