- 判断题Of the four possible tune movements, high fall is used for statements and wh-questions; high rise is used for questions asking for repetition of something; low rise is for yes/no questions, etc. and fall rise is for corrections and polite contradictions.()
- 正确
- Syllabus determines
- The theory of langua
- The()approach to lan
- The Audiolingual Met
- What’s the differenc
- The Silent Way, Comm
- In the “language awa
- The relationship bet
- What are the advanta
- Why do we say assess
- What is the differen
- Does it always matte
- What language skills
- How do you understan
- When the readers rea
- What is the function
- In what sense does f
- The three major caus
- The teacher can help
- According to the beh