- 单项选择题()leads forward from the port or starboard quarter to the shore.
A、An aft spring
B、An aft breast line
C、A fore breast line
D、A stern line
- A
- 船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()
- ()extinguish oil and
- 围油栏()
- The bunker barge wil
- 喂,你找谁? ()
- The ()(干货船 )can’t ca
- When a ship arrives
- 在海上发现某浮标的顶标为红色球形,该标应
- The pilot boat takes
- This is ()(甲板货).
- stern light()
- 重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()
- 值班水手在调整系泊缆绳时,应先松长缆,后
- Is the pilot ladder
- 木屑和草袋吸水性强,应储存于干燥通风处,
- A ()(重吊杆)is used for
- If there is a fire i
- 液化石油气船()
- 疏浚测量中最常用的大地座标系是高斯平面直
- 油船在装卸一、二级油时,必须通过密封管道