- 单项选择题有多少节锚链在外?()
A、How many shackles are out ?
B、How much shackles are out ?
C、How much cable is out ?
D、How many cable is out ?
- C
- 当船过船、船过驳作业时,对缆绳、输油管等
- ()(班轮)sail on regula
- The()(石油-散货-矿石运输船)ca
- 油性漆刷较长时间不用时,应用松氧水或煤油
- 抓斗挖泥船在挖取砾石或卵石时,须用:()
- 火()
- 货钩()
- 下列说法正确的是()
- A lightship is like
- 吊货网兜()
- Bridge decks, cabin
- A short raised deck
- 形成海流的主要因素是:()
- 气胀式救生衣()
- That is a ()(救助船).
- 所以外板以平板龙骨为最厚。
- 一般船舶的净吨位约为总吨位的()
- Tidy up the ()(物料间).
- On hearing the fire
- masthead light()