- 单项选择题送后横缆至岸上!()
A、Send aft breast line ashore!
B、Be ready to let go!
C、Take in head line!
D、Send out breast line ashore!
- A
- Is this a ()(淡水) tan
- We are loading dange
- 地理经度的基准圈是:()
- Secure danger area a
- OS()
- A ship is made fast
- The jumbo boom can l
- hatch cover()
- Before the operation
- ()是船舶各种消防系统的主干。
- 按国际海上人命安全公约的规定,凡载客超过
- Crew members taking
- box spanner()
- The electronic engin
- Navigators use navig
- 能见度()
- This cargo wires has
- 涨潮流和落潮流方向相反,流向交替出现的潮
- Write down your(名字)(
- Course ()(复原)!