- 单项选择题 Given: 5.public class MyTagHandler extends TagSupport { 6.public int doStartTag() throws JspException { 7.try { 8.// insert code here 9.} catch(Exception ex) { /* handle exception */ } 10.return super.doStartTag(); 11.}...42. } Which code snippet, inserted at line 8,causes the value foo to be output?()
A、JspWriter w = pageContext.getOut();
C、JspWriter w = pageContext.getWriter();
D、JspWriter w = new JspWriter(pageContext.getWriter()); . w.print("foo");
- A
- A JSP pag
- Float pi
- 10. public&ens
- You are b
- 1. interface&e
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- 10. class&ensp