- 单项选择题The gangway is too high. Can you lower it ()?
A、a small
B、a little bit
C、a many bit
D、a much bit
- B
- The pilot will board
- Have ()(特别)instructi
- Fires can be divided
- 二氧化碳灭火器一般()个月检查一次重量
- Ease to five! ()
- During working time,
- 我想和大副谈谈。()
- Half astern()
- 当水深超过()进行抛锚操作时,应先用锚机
- The parts of the der
- 拖轮从事拖带时,拖带长度是指从拖轮尾量至
- Secure your safety h
- We can remove the he
- 使用和保管钢丝绳时,下列那项叙述不正确(
- 夹子用完了。()
- The first cabin aste
- 下列自燃因素中,那种存在本身自燃的情况(
- 船首()
- 海图()
- 人员落水()