- 单项选择题Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost. Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all. So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping? If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long () Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular () Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates. 请在第()处填上正确答案。 查看材料
- A
- 下列对优秀教师的人格特征表述不当的是()
- 对学生的发展最有利的师生关系模式是()。
- “教育主体确定,教育对象稳定,有相对的稳
- 情感与情绪的反映特点不同,情感具有()。
- 请给胖墩开一张处方().
- 下列哪项学习属于有意义的接受学习()。
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- 中小学音乐教育的中心环节是()。
- 用20个边长为1厘米的小正方形,能拼成(
- 在下列教学组织形式中,有利于高效率、大面
- 教师的专业态度要求教师对待学生:();对
- ()指在同时进行两种或几种活动的时候,把
- 学生特定的权利和义务,随其()而产生,并
- 歌剧《白毛女》中《杨白劳》中的唱腔吸取了
- 奏鸣曲通常由()乐章组成。
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- 下列不属于教师不恰当的课堂表现的是()。