- 单项选择题把防鼠挡装在系泊缆上。()
A、Put rat guard on the deck.
B、Put rat guards on the moorings.
C、Put rat guard under the moorings.
D、Put rat guards under the moorings.
- B
- 在一个太阴日内出现两次低潮中较低的低潮的
- When facing the bow
- The signals that wil
- When a ship is aband
- dangerous()
- 罗经甲板又称顶甲板,上面设有信号灯架,探
- As a duty sailor, he
- chronometer()
- Meet her! ()
- 在安全使用绳缆时绳缆所能承受的最大静负荷
- What kinds of paint
- bitumen()
- Come()with me.
- 向燃烧的舱室内注入二氧化碳的灭火方法称为
- 值班水手在操舵时()
- 在紧急情况下能迅速脱开锚链末端的装置是:
- ()we swing the port
- I would like to talk
- 定温探测器的动作温度一般分为()三种。
- 号灯只能在日没至日出时显示。