- 简答题Queen Victoria and Her Time(1837-1901)
- Victoria, who reigned over the British Empire for more than half a century, was another well-known Queen in English history. She mounted the throne in 1837, one year after the memorable 1836 when the dissatisfied English workers started their Chartist Movement and Charles Darwin returned from his travel.
Victoria's time was full of tremendous changes in almost every field. The industrial revolution continued to develop in spite of the social problems that accompanied it. The invention of the locomotive threw Britain into a frenzy of railway construction. Agriculture was further mechanized. Trade and commerce grew apace, driving more peasants, hand spinners and weavers into factories. England was arriving at the age of machinery.
Development of productivity broadened men's field of vision and increased their interest in scientific knowledge. In 1859, Darwin published his Origin of Species. His theory greatly shocked clergymen because it contained the suggestion that man descended from monkeys.
Rapid social changes and people's eagerness to gain useful knowledge made it possible for a group of famous writers to appear because a growing number of people were fond of books. Thackeray, Bronte, Dickens, and George Eliot were among the most famous.
Victoria was of high reputation for her contribution to Britain as well as her personality. She set a very severe home discipline for her children who were usually beaten up for dishonesty, mischief and negligence of duty. She was very careful about her behavior in public. In addition, she maintained a harmonious relation with her husband and almost set a standard for domestic virtues. Victoria's achievements were so popular in Britain and her personality was so widely esteemed and imitated by the middle class that the epithet Victorian was later applied to any person or time with the characteristics of decency and morality, self-satisfaction based on wealth, conscious rectitude, unquestioning acceptance of authority and orthodoxy, and great industrial and scientific development.
Her time was called “the polite society” in English history. 关注下方微信公众号,在线模考后查看
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