- 单项选择题锚链吃力如何?()
A、How much weight is on the cable ?
B、How many shackles are left ?
C、How much shackles are left ?
D、How many weight is on the cable ?
- A
- Some general cargo i
- ()refers to the repa
- We must()the mooring
- ()(降低)the gangway, p
- 舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()
- 绞()
- A ()leads aft from t
- The()(超大油轮) can carr
- 有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。
- 简述固定二氧化碳灭火系统的施放(机舱、货
- 绑扎钢丝绳()
- 首推全速向右!()
- 货钩()
- 钢丝绳绕过滑轮或滚筒时,该轮直径不得小于
- That is the ()(污水井).
- The ()(浮吊) can float
- ()(舵角多少)? ----T
- On hearing the fire
- 舷外作业系指在空载水线以上的船体外部进行
- 下列尺度中那一个不属于船舶主尺度()