- 单项选择题 To implement Automatic Management (AMM), you set the following parameters: When you try to start the database instance with these parameter settings, you receive the following error message: SQL > startup ORA-00824: cannot set SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET due to existing internal settings, see alert log for more information. Identify the reason the instance failed to start.()
A、The PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter is set to zero.
B、The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is setto basic.
C、Both the SGA_TARGETandMEMORY_TARGET paramete rsareset.
D、The SGA_MAX_SIZEandSGA_TARGET parameter value sare note qual.
- B
- While designin
- 拥有所有系统级管理权限的角色是()。
- 在Oracle中,关于锁,下列描述不正确
- DRAGDROPClicktheTask
- ()方式的导出会从指定的表中导出所有的数
- The CUSTOMERS table
- What recommendations
- A database exists a
- You are m
- For which̳
- Given: Whatistheres
- Due to m
- You are
- You are
- 在Oracle中,使用()可以生成一列整
- You are m
- 下列哪个是无效的列名?()
- In which
- Examine the data in
- Which object privile