- 单项选择题 Every page of your web site must include a common set of navigation menus at the top of the page. Thismenu is static HTML and changes frequently,so you have decided to use JSP’s static import mechanism. Which JSP code snippet accomplishes this goal?()
A、<%@ import file=’/common/menu.html’ %>
B、<%@ page import=’/common/menu.html’ %>
C、<%@ import page=’/common/menu.html’ %>
D、<%@ include file=’/common/menu.html’ %>
E、<%@ page include=’/common/menu.html’ %>
- D
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- java中下面哪个能创建并启动线程()。
- Which the two&
- 以下哪些接口是事件侦听器接口?()
- 当对Set类型的集合使用add()方法时
- Which three&ens
- Given a
- Which Man̳
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- 在用swing创建图形界面程序的步骤中,
- 55. int [
- 针对Set
- 有工人,农民,教师,科学家,服务生,其中
- 1. class
- 1. public&ensp
- public class&e
- public class&e
- public class&e
- 有一分数序列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8
- Which defines&e