简答题 翻译以下关于邮政储蓄挂失业务有关对话。 ①客户:我把卡丢了。我想挂失。 ②职员:请填写挂失单。 ③客户:给您。 ④职员:请出示您的证件。谢谢。请输入您的密码。请再输一次以便确认。请交十元手续费。这是您的新卡,请收好。 ⑤客户:谢谢。
  • ①I have lost my card. I want to report the loss
    ②Please fill in this claiming form
    ③Here you are
    ④Your ID card, please. Thank you. Please input your PIN number. Now do it again to make sure. Ten yuan for the commission fee, please. Here is your new card. Keep them safe
    ⑤ Thank you.
  • 关注下方微信公众号,在线模考后查看
