- 单项选择题Hemp rope rots easily when it is wet. So it is now used only for “small stuff” such as ().
A、mooring and lashing ropes
B、seizing and serving ropes
C、cargo-handling and seizing ropes
D、wooden ropes
- B
- 引缆()
- 这个鹅颈头弯了。()
- I’m on fire and have
- The boat is ()to the
- 上甲板以上连接两舷的围蔽空间称为()
- 心脏每分钟搏动的次数称为心率。
- 在过度疲劳的情况下作业,应严格遵循安全操
- () the head line!
- 驾驶台甲板()
- Hang national flag u
- 锚设备可使船舶锚泊时产生足够的锚泊力,另
- The linesmen will us
- 请打开货灯。()
- Have you got ()lashi
- 甲板铁锈清除方法是什么?
- N、E、S、W四个罗经点在方向上称为:(
- A ship’s coat is cal
- The thinner can ()(稀
- We have some white p
- head line()