- 单项选择题For specific reason, the Owner may transfer the classification member of the vessel to another classification member which is covered by the IACS ‘Transfer of Class Agreement’. Which of the requirements listed below is disobey the IACS “Transfer of Class Agreement?()
A、For all ships between 5 to 10 years of age a representative number of ballast spaces are to be examined.
B、For all ships between 10 to 20 years of age a representative number of cargo spaces are to be examined.
C、For all ships 15 years of age and over all overdue surveys and conditions of class completed by the gaining class society before the transfer of class can take place.
D、For all ships which are 20 years of age and above or ships subject to ESP which are 15 years of age and above, a full Special Survey or Intermediate Survey, including docking, will be carried out.
- C
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