- 单项选择题两节入水。()
A、Put two shackles into water.
B、Two shackles in water.
C、Keep two shackles in water.
D、All A、B and C are correct.
- B
- 前横缆()
- 干货通常被装载到货舱里。()
- 使用钢丝绳时,应认真检查,发现在8倍直径
- ()(绞)port anchor!
- Scrapers are used to
- The ()(螺旋桨) has four
- The()(侧滚式舱盖) runs al
- I need some sail mak
- 在进行铁质面处理时,如果铁质面有油泽,可
- Please tell the duty
- The gangway is too h
- 现在天晴了。我们开始装货吧。()
- 冻伤病人清理后应给()
- 立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()
- Each line has a larg
- 工程船调遣拖带编队当船舶大小不一致时,从
- Containers are stowe
- Paint is stowed in t
- 船舶离港之前,所有的吊杆必须纵向收放好。
- Emergency full aster